Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy


At our clinics in Denver, our massage therapists offer targeted massage treatment to heal your injuries. Muscle strains, whiplash, ligament injury, and more can be treated effectively with deep tissue massage.


We focus on rehabilitative massage techniques to help your body heal after an accident. Our strategies address the injuries through effective and natural treatment so your body can recover.

Massage therapy refers to the use of massage to help with injuries, pain, and general recovery following an accident. At our three clinics, our Denver based massage therapists provide deep tissue and rehabilitative massages to give you the tools necessary to address injuries through natural treatment solutions. Massage focuses on the soft tissues of your body rather than the bones. The injuries that may benefit from deep tissue massage or similar treatment solutions include:

• Muscles strains or sprains
• Whiplash
• Injuries to different ligaments in your neck or back
• Physical pain stemming from injuries to your muscles or the soft tissues of your body
• Tension

Seeking treatment at our clinic depends on your needs and situation. Generally, we recommend visiting one of our three locations immediately after an auto accident to reduce the risk of complications and identify the underlying injuries. Certain injuries, like whiplash, may not cause pain until 24 to 48 hours, so we recommend early treatment to evaluate the risk of injuries.

You may also want to consider treatment if you notice lingering pain within a few months after an auto
accident. Some injuries may worsen without proper treatment. At Synergy, we will equip you with the
right tools to stop your pain dead in its tracks. Contact us today to learn if you are a candidate for treatment with our professional massage therapists in Denver. We offer deep tissue and rehabilitative massages.

Treating an injury from an auto accident requires the right tools and solutions. In some cases, you may benefit from massage therapy to help reduce your pain and address injuries to the muscles or soft tissues of your body. To learn more about treating injuries from an auto accident or to set up an appointment with a professional therapist in one of our clinics, contact us today.